4.4 Complaint Resolution Procedures for Individual Non - Academic Misconduct
4.4.1 Alternative Complaint Resolution
In appropriate cases, the university may pursuealternative resolution with the consent of all parties at any point in the process. Alternative resolution options may include, but are not limited to, mediation, development of action plans, voluntary resolutions, and/or appropriate sanctions, and informal notice of policy (when reminder of policy is more effective than formal charges; i.e. break room check concerns).
4.4.2 Administrative Conference
All incidents will be addressed via Administrative Conference. The Director or Student Conduct reserves the right to move a hearing from Administrative Conference to University Conduct Board as appropriate (conflict of interest, potential bias, prior action requiring interim measures, etc.). In cases where separation is a possibility, the student will be given the option to proceed with an Administrative Conference or request a hearing with the University Conduct Board. An Administrative Conference (AC) is intended to enhance a student’s awareness of University expectations; although educational, formative and/or disciplinary action may be a necessary result.
- An Administrative Conference is a meeting with one or more staff members of the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity.
- During an Administrative Conference, the UCO will discuss the alleged violation(s), documentation, and witness statements relevant to the complaint. The UCO may also discuss relevant conduct history, academic progress, extracurricular activities, prior community service, and relevant criminal proceedings.
- The student will be informed that at the conclusion of the Administrative Conference that a decision letter will be sent within five days notwithstanding unforeseen circumstances.
- The decision will be based solely on the information available from the initial report/complaint, conference conversation, investigation, and available testimony. Responsibility is determined on the standard of proof as outlined in the Code (4.3.11)
- The decision letter will include the finding for each violation for which the student was charged, list of assigned outcomes and appropriate deadlines, and appeal opportunity information as appropriate (See also Section 6).
4.4.3 Pre - Hearing Conference
In cases where a University Conduct Board is offered or assigned, an informal pre-hearing conference will be scheduled. The pre-hearing conference will be held to ensure the student fully understand the following:
- Students rights (witnesses, university conduct advisor, etc.);
- Review case details (student will not be provided copies);
- Opportunity to ask questions about the procedures and possible consequences; and,
- Review Case Resolution options if the student is provided an opportunity to request a hearing with the University Conduct Board rather than an Administrative Conference
Students have the option of scheduling a pre - hearing conference with a representative of the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity either before or after receipt of a notice of charge(s).
4.4.4 University Conduct Board (UCB)
The University Conduct Board (UCB) is organized by the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity as a formal hearing opportunity of which students may choose when the student conduct case may result in separation from the university. Cases that may not result in separation from the university may also be referred to the UCB under the discretion of SCI. The UCB membership is composed of a pool of panelists representing students, staff, and faculty appointed, who have voluntarily applied, then selected by the President of the university, and trained by SCI. UCB members are trained to function as a team, to ask clear, sensitive and relevant questions designed to determine the facts of the case, and to consider the facts carefully and make recommendations for fair sanctions. .The UCB is comprised of one student in good standing with ISU, one University faculty member, one University staff member, and the Director of SCI or their designee who shall serve as a non-voting advisor to the board. When the UCB is convened, the Director of SCI or their designee will, at random, populate the board as stated above by members of the University hearing board pool and a presiding hearing officer will be selected from amongst the Board.
- Procedures for UCB Hearings
- Notice will be sent to the accused student/respondent (4.3.4);
- As appropriate, the complainant and/or a member of SCI will be provided the opportunity to attend and present information to the UCB;
- All rights reserved for conduct proceedings (4.3.7) will be observed;
- The hearing will provide the accused student/respondent, as well as the complainant and SCI staff, the opportunity to present information/witnesses and respond to all information available to the UCB for consideration;
- At the conclusion of the UCB hearing, all parties and non-voting members will leave the room for deliberations.
- Deliberations and Finding
- The UCB will review all information to determine an appropriate finding. The decision will be based solely on the information available from the initial report/complaint, conference conversation, investigation, and available testimony. Responsibility is determined on the standard of proof as outlined in the Code (4.3.11)
- The UCB will write a rationale for each find/charge of which the accused student/respondent is responsible or not.
- Once the panel has determined finding, they will notify the Director of SCI to rejoin their deliberation for sanctioning. The Director will determine the appropriate outcome based on the UCB panel recommendation and relevant facts of the case. Once the deliberation of sanctions has concluded, the panel is dismissed;
- Within 5-days of the UCB hearing, a formal decision notification will be sent to the accused student/respondent’s university-provided electronic mail account. The decision letter will include the finding for each violation for which the student was charged, list of assigned outcomes and appropriate deadlines, and appeal opportunity information as appropriate (See also Section 6).
Student Conduct and Integrity
Hulman Memorial Student Union
Room 821
Office: 812.237.3800